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Warehouse Shelves
Los trabajadores de almacén
Worker Lifting Cardboard Box
Person Taping Box at Warehouse
Truck and Warehouse
Our Mission

Chrisdan Frequent Shipper Mailbox 

Chrisdan FSM is a service for those who frequently order online or from US companies and are looking for a US mailing address to house before forwarding to the Caribbean & Central America. By setting up your mailbox service for you and any two persons, be it friends or family, everyone can enjoy reduced shipping rates, as well as consolidated shipping. Customers may also enjoy a mailbox to doorstep delivery service (as requested); our handling will vary by location. 

Your Frequent Shipper Mailbox benefits are as follows:

  • Reduced shipping rates to the Caribbean & Central America*

    • 0 to 5 pounds       - $25 

    • 6 to 10 pounds     - $35

    • 11 to 20 pounds   - $45

    • 21 to 30 pounds   - $55

    • Any weight higher will be calculated at $2.90 per pound

  • Consolidation of packages delivered directly to Chrisdan Enterprises for one easy, cost-saving shipment to your international destination

  • Holding of packages for up to 15 days for consolidation with other packages


*Shipping rates are calculated based on the greater of two forms of weight, the actual/scale weight or the volume/dimensional weight. Any package that exceeds 30lbs will be converted to regular freight.

To maintain your Frequent Shipper Mailbox benefits, use your registered mailbox to ship monthly with Chrisdan Enterprises. Frequent Shipper Mailbox benefits are forfeited if none of the registered users on your mailbox ship with Chrisdan Enterprises for six consecutive months.


Find answers to your frequently asked questions

How do I sign up for a FREE Chrisdan Mailbox?

Signing up is easy as 1-2-3. Click here.

How do I shop online?

Go to our shopping simplified guide, select from any of the Categories and you will find options from various online sources to choose from.

How can Chrisdan Enterprises shop for you?

Chrisdan Enterprises can do all of your shopping online and at Megastores like BJ's and Costco's that require a membership to shop wholesale. Just visit the store options on the shopping simplified guide and select the items you want us to purchase. We will bill you for the items after confirming the availability, and ship via air or sea, based on your preference.

How do I pay for Chrisdan Enterprises services and in what currency?

Payment methods available include cash, debit, credit, Zelle, and Cash App. All currencies quoted on the website are in US dollars.

What are the shipping rates and how are they applied?

Our Rates (only applicable to registered Frequent Shipper Mailbox users) are as follows:

  1. 0 to 5 pounds       - $20 

  2. 6 to 10 pounds     - $30

  3. 11 to 20 pounds   - $40

  4. 21 to 30 pounds   - $50

  5. Any weight higher will be calculated at $2.80 per pound


Other Rates are calculated using two weight categories. Dimensional or sometimes referred to as Volume weight and Scale or Actual weight.

Dimensional/Volume weight is calculated Length x Height x Width (inches)/166.

Scale/Actual weight is the weight of the package when measured by the scale.

Air carriers asses the weight based on the one that is greater, hence, Chrisdan Enterprises will charge you based on those assessments on packages weighing more than 30lbs.


142-49 Rockaway Blvd.

Jamaica, New York 11436


Mon - Fri: 10am - 6pm

Sat: 10am - 2pm

Sun & Holidays: Closed


Tel: 718-738-1490


© 2017 Chrisdan Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved

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